What I wish from Barrack Obama is to let immigrants stay in the country. Some immigrates come here to have a new life. Other immigrants come here to work so they can feed their families. Send immigrants back to their country if they’re here just to fool around doing bad thing. Wouldn’t it be helpful if Barrack Obama let immigrants stay here, but only immigrants who really do work?
Other immigrants come here to have a new life. Some immigrants come here to have freedom, because maybe in their own country they wouldn’t be able to work or go to school. Or maybe , because they were had problems with their house or necessary things. Maybe they couldn’t afford shoes or clothes. They come here to have a new life and work for their family.
Other immigrants come here to work so they can feed their families. Immigrants come here to work, because maybe in their country even dough they work, the money they raised isn’t enough for his family. They also come here, because they will like their families to have everything they need and so that they don’t have to suffer for food, clothing or necessary things. They want to at least have money to live in a house like normal people and not live in the streets like some people live.
But not all immigrants like to work.
Send immigrants back to their country if they’re here just to fool around doing bad things. Not all immigrants come here to work and support their family. They are here to mess around, like for example they did something bad in their country and they come here to hide from the police, who are looking for him. Then when they are here they want to do whatever they want to do, because they think that this is a free country. I mean this is a free country but that doesn’t mean that people can come here and just do what ever they want to do. There are some rules that people have to follow too. But not all immigrants are the same.
In my conclusion I think that Barrack Obama should let immigrants stay here . Some immigrates come here to have a new life. Other immigrants come here to work so they can feed their families. Send immigrants back to their country if they’re here just to fool around doing bad thing. But remember not all immigrants are the same. So what do you think?